All 5 books, Edward Tufte paperback $180
All 5 clothbound books, autographed by ET $280
Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Envisioning Information
Visual Explanations
Beautiful Evidence
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
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Edward Tufte e-books
Immediate download to any computer:
Visual and Statistical Thinking $5
The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint $5
Seeing Around + Feynman Diagrams $5
Data Analysis for Politics and Policy $9
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New ET Book
Seeing with Fresh Eyes:
Meaning, Space, Data, Truth
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Analyzing/Presenting Data/Information
All 5 books + 4-hour ET online video course, keyed to the 5 books.
ET Caltech talk: videotape available from Skeptics Society

Beautiful Evidence, Edward Tufte lecture to The Skeptics Society, Caltech December 2004. Video of 73 minutes (lecture + questions) available from The Skeptics Society at or 626 794-3119. Videotape $19.95; CD $15.95

This is the talk that Michael Shermer was kind enough to write up in Scientific American (below). I prefer the general form of the FT principle--"simple design, intense conent"--to the van mataphor.

From the April 2005 Scientific American:

-- Edward Tufte

Threads relevant to Edward Tufte's work:

Seeing Around: New ET essay published

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