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Graphical map for exploring Apollo landing sites


-- Edward Tufte

Response to Graphic of the day:Exploring the Apollo Landing Sites

Would not the all-powerful Hubble telescope be able to see the hardware left on the moon?

As you know, some are still skeptical that we even went there. NASA may not want to dignify the question by providing the evidence, but beyond that, wouldn't it be interesting...TM

-- Terry McIver (email)

Response to Graphic of the day:Exploring the Apollo Landing Sites

The problem with using the Hubble to look at the Earth's moon is that the moon is both too bright (proximity to sun and to telescope) for the sensors and too close to focus on.

-- Ellis Vener (email)

Response to Graphic of the day:Exploring the Apollo Landing Sites

I also thought this was the case, but found the following in the Hubble Space Telescope gallery:

-- Peter Lauterbach (email)

Response to Graphic of the day:Exploring the Apollo Landing Sites

It would be nice to have a scale. All craters, big and small, look the same to me.

-- David A. Smith (email)

An interesting visualization of the Apollo mission..


-- Jeff Heinzelman (email)

Google supplies a Moon version of its Map application

Like the Earth version, it supports zooming in and out. You can also overlay charts and elevation data.

For example, this shows the same Apollo 11 landing site illustrated in the football diagram:

-- Michael McDougall (email)

Related to this thread is Michael Light's series of photographic prints published in his book Full Moon (Knopf, 1999). He obtained permission from NASA to work with the original photographic master negatives from the Moon missions and then printed them using the best digital printing processes available. I recall seeing a traveling exhibition of these prints a few years back and the best of them were quite stunning; several composite images of landing and exploration sites were 15 or 18 feet wide and sparklingly clear. Most likely as close as I'll ever get to walking on the Moon. The book is available in a couple of formats and there is a selection of prints on permanent exhibit at the America Museum of Natural History in New York. One can get more information at

-- Steve Sprague (email)

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