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Are diagrams the metaphor for Cubism?

Maira Kalman's illustration (Beloved Dog, from What Pete Ate (From A to Z), entry N)
locates a 2 sentences in 3-space perspective, becoming a wonderful example in my essay about
2- and 3-dimensional sentences.Then the idea that Cubism's metaphor is a diagrammatic sequence
of points of view came forward. This metaphor comes directly out of Loren, whom I wrote about in
my Beautiful Evidence, 24-25. Cubism is said to look like a lot of things: fractured rock,
African art, and planning and zoning in French towns!

First, the Maira Kalman illustration (from chapter in forthcoming The Thinking Eye):

Below, Beautiful Evidence, pp 24-25, on Loran's intensely diagrammatic view of Cezanne:

Below, Beautiful Evidence, pp 28-29:

BE p. 28

BE p. 29

-- Edward Tufte

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