All 5 books, Edward Tufte paperback $180
All 5 clothbound books, autographed by ET $280
Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Envisioning Information
Visual Explanations
Beautiful Evidence
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
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Edward Tufte e-books
Immediate download to any computer:
Visual and Statistical Thinking $5
The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint $5
Seeing Around + Feynman Diagrams $5
Data Analysis for Politics and Policy $9
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New ET Book
Seeing with Fresh Eyes:
Meaning, Space, Data, Truth
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Analyzing/Presenting Data/Information
All 5 books + 4-hour ET online video course, keyed to the 5 books.
About ET: Edward Tufte interviews, biography, contact information

Reporters, interview requests, invitations: contact Pam Mozier at 203 250-7007 or email
(Prior to interviews, reporters should read the piece by Zachary and Thralls below.)

For design reviews or comments on your work: Search the topics on ET notebooks, find a relevant topic,
read the thread, post your best material by going to the contribution button at the bottom of each thread.
If your contribution is published, it will be available for possible public comment by ET and by visitors
to that thread. (For good ideas about your displays, also search Google Images for your topic.)

ET resume here

ET pictures for publication:

For high-resolution versions of these pictures, contact Pam Mozier by email

ET interviews, news reports
Rick Harrison "Down on the Art Farm" The Sunday Republican, January 15, 2015
Aaron Souppouris "Master statistician weaves Google images into visual quilts" The Verge, November 2013
Clive Cookson "Edward Tufte" Financial Times July 2013
Geeta Dayal "Phreaks and Geeks" Slate, February 2013 (Sometimes curious misfits turn out to be Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak,
Edward Tufte—or Aaron Swartz)
Flora Lichtman "Edward Tufte Wants You to See Better" NPR Science Friday, January 2013
Maitri Erwin Edward Tufte Interview VizWorld, December 2012
Irina Khokhlova "Data scientist carves out new life as sculptor" BBC News, February 2012
Matt Carmichael "Edward Tufte: The AdAgeStat Q&A" Advertising Age, November 2011
Steve Duin "The master of graphics and design" The Oregonian, June 2011
Joshua Yaffa "The Information Sage" Washington Monthly, June 2011 (Washington work and influences on data displays.)
Christopher Bonanos "The Minister of Information" New York Magazine.
(A long account of one-day course and generous speculations about ET influence. Well-illustrated in downlinks.)
Mark Zachry and Charlotte Thralls "An Interview with Edward R. Tufte" Technical Communication Quarterly.
(16-page, thorough, revealing interview in question and answer format.)
Maitri Erwin An Interview with Edward Tufte Vizworld (Recent thoughts on visualization.)
Jimmy Guterman "How Facts Change Everything (If You Let Them)" MIT Sloan Management Review
Fran Smith "Intelligent Designs" Stanford Magazine. (Lots of pictures, detailed account of data work and sculpture.)
Michael Shermer "The Feynman - Tufte Principle" Scientific American. (A day with Richard Feynman's Feynman-diagram van.)
Michael H. Martin "The Man Who Makes Sense of Numbers" Fortune Magazine (Discusses Bose consulting and data displays.)
Scott Rosenberg "The Data Artist" Salon

ET Presidential appointment

Reviews of ET art exhibits
Susan Hodara "A Master of Two Dimensions, Plus One" New York Times
Benjamin Genocchio "Science and Art, Melded in Sculpture" New York Times
Marx Dorrity "Rocket Science" Chronogram
Christopher Reynolds "Onward means going upward" Los Angeles Times
Alan Bisbort "Seeing Around with Tufte" Waterbury Republican-American
Patricia Rosoff "Edward Tufte: Seeing Around" Art New England

ET interviews, news reports
Adam Aston "Tufte's Invisible Yet Ubiquitous Influence" Bloomberg Businessweek
Phil Patton "Up from Flatland" New York Times Magazine
(Long profile on ET supercomputer visualization work for the thunderstorm as well as career up to 1992.)
Paul May "Why I love...Edward Tufte" The Guardian
"AIGA Medalist: Edward Tufte" American Institute of Graphic Arts
Clive Thompson "Powerpoint Makes You Dumb" The New York Times Magazine
Dan Nadel "Ten Questions for Edward Tufte" ID Magazine
Report of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board "Engineering by Viewgraphs" 191
Excerpt from William Langewiesche "Columbia's Last Flight" The Atlantic Monthly
John Schwartz "The Level of Discourse Continues to Slide" The New York Times
John Schwartz "Shuttle Inquiry Uncovers Flaws in Communication" The New York Times
Jimmy Guterman "Unplug That Projector!" Business 2.0
Tom Morton "Vital Statistics"
Kristi Cameron "3-D Tufte" Metropolis
David Corcoran "Campaigning for the Charts that Teach" New York Times
Alan Bisbort "Escaping Flatland" Hartford Advocate
Alan Bisbort "Edward R. Tufte, Envisioning" Connecticut Magazine
Peter Meyers "One Visionary Day" Wired Magazine
James Surowiecki "Sermon on the Mountain" Metropolis
This Week's Citation Classic "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information"Current Contents
"Best of category, graphic design" Annual Design Review, ID International Design
This Week's Citation Classic "Political Control of the Economy"Current Contents
"Determinants of the Outcomes of Midterm Congressional Elections" American Political Science Review, 69, 812-826
"The Relationship Between Seats and Votes in Two-Party Systems" American Political Science Review, 540-554
Martin Hardee "Notes from the team" Sun Microsystems
Seth M. Powsner and Edward R. Tufte "Summarizing Clinical Psychiatric Data" Psychiatric Services, 48, 1458-1461

-- ET

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