Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth

Edward R. Tufte | 2020
176 Pages


  • "All communicators should read Edward Tufte’s latest book. Every page is packed with stunning visual and written insights on the art of communication, by ET who sees the world with the freshest of eyes." NATALIE WOLCHOVER, QUANTA, 2022 PULITZER PRIZE WINNER FOR EXPLANATORY REPORTING
  • "Edward Tufte is the revelatory retina of our time, ever connecting eye and brain in enlightening new ways.  He creates masterpieces about design that are themselves masterpieces of design.  Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth takes all that he knows into a yet deeper level of wisdom and wider realm of inquiry.  A completely delicious work." STEWART BRAND, WHOLE EARTH CATALOG
  • "This new book by the pioneer of data visualization, Edward Tufte, is a stunner.  Getting a copy made my day." ERIC TOPOL, MEDSCAPE, THE SCRIPPS RESEARCH INSTITUTE
  • "Edward Tufte’s wonderful works have done a brilliant job of showing how data is most clearly communicated using graphics. In this new creation, he’s found ways to give words new meaning, rearranging them, so that we can truly see/read with fresh eyes. I love this book." ALYSSA GOODMAN, ROBERT WHEELER WILLSON PROFESSOR OF APPLIED ASTRONOMY, HARVARD UNIVERSITY
  • "To seek truth in information, to exhibit evidence that others may see—and critically judge—that is the Tuftean pilgrimage that Meaning, Space, Data, Truth invites us to join. Experience here an inquisitive spirit, a nimble mind, a thinking eye, an artist’s touch that renders typography to honor the text and illustrations to honor the data, the whole to delight and enlighten the beholder." CHRIS QUIGG, THEORETICAL PHYSICIST, FERMILAB
  • "Beautiful book. A worthy capstone for the series." GUIDO VAN ROSSUM, CREATOR OF PYTHON