Books and Essays
Choose from clothbound and paperback versions of some of the most important and influential works on data visualization ever produced.
Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University. He wrote, designed, and self-published 5 classic books on data visualization and has been described by The New York Times as the “Leonardo da Vinci of data,” and Bloomberg as the “Galileo of graphics.”
He is the founder of Graphics Press, ET Modern Gallery/Studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms – a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity.

Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
Edward R. Tufte1996
159 Pages

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Edward R. Tufte1983 / 2nd Edition 2001
197 Pages

Visual and Statistical Thinking: Displays of Evidence for Making Decisions
Edward R. Tufte32 Pages

The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Within (eBook)
Edward R. Tufte32 Pages