Edward Tufte is the revelatory retina of our time, ever connecting eye and brain in enlightening new ways. He creates masterpieces about design that are themselves masterpieces of design. Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth takes all that he knows into a yet deeper level of wisdom and wider realm of inquiry. A completely delicious work.’ Stewart Brand, creator of the Whole Earth Catalog

ET Modern | Hogpen Hill farms: ET’s landscape sculpture park
Hogpen Hill Farms is a 234-acre tree farm + landscape sculpture park with 100 ET artworks in Litchfield County in northwest Connecticut.
The sculpture park is open to the public on many Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in the spring, early summer and fall. Click here for ticketing information. (Please do not come on days when the park is closed. There is no access, the gates are closed.)
“It is wild, whimsical, grand and incredibly beautiful, with sculptures ranging from stainless steel surfaces reflecting every nuance of light, to lacy stone walls and silent boulder megaliths.” Michele McDonald, Boston Globe
“North America’s best sculpture park: Edward Tufte’s Hogpen Hill Farms” Philip Greenspun
“Each of the works transforms the landscape, see these amazing artworks up close.” Atlas Obscura

Analyzing/Presenting Data/Information: An Online Video Course Taught by Edward Tufte
The online video course is available for purchase.
Topics covered in this one-day online course include:
Fundamental data analysis/design strategies: diagrams, data visualizations, maps, images, text, tables, videos, small multiples, sparklines, medical interfaces, sentences and paragraphs. Future of information displays: 4K, 6K video-maps and stop-action moving in time.
Practical real examples: medicine, business and finance, NASA, medical research, science and engineering, and a 40-page chapter from Seeing with Fresh Eyes on data analysis when the truth matters.
How to make meetings smarter and shorter – teaching, very large meetings, medical appointments, hearings, small groups making decisions. How to improve both the content and credibility of presentations.
Spectatorship: How to be a smart consumer of presentations, assessing their credibility and content.
328,000 people from 1994 to 2020 attended continuously changing live versions of the ET course Presenting Data and Information. But now we have an online course video. This course can be viewed anytime, and students receive all 5 ET books in advance by mail – for study hall and reading during the course. The online video is closely keyed to the books, with short reading throughout the course.
Edward Tufte teaches the entire course.
Each student receives all five ET books on information design:

“One visionary day…. the insights of this class lead to new levels of understanding both for creators and viewers of visual displays.” WIRED
“The Leonardo da Vinci of data.” The New York Times
“The Galileo of graphics.” Bloomberg
“Tufte one-day course best ever” taosecurity
“Edward Tufte: Triumph of Good Design” New York
“Master statistician weaves Google images into visual quilts.” The Verge
“The thinking eye” NPR Science Friday on current work
“The Information Sage” Washington Monthly Tufte presidential appointment
“Curious misfits: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Edward Tufte, Aaron Swartz” Slate
Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University. He wrote, designed, and self-published 5 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the “Leonardo da Vinci of data,” and Bloomberg as the “Galileo of graphics.” He has completed his newest book Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth, and is constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity. He founded Graphics Press, ET Modern Gallery/Studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms.
Edward Tufte’s landscape sculpture park, Hogpen Hill Farms, featured on CT Live! “In the world of Edward Tufte, everyday is wild and whimsical. Sculptures the size of buildings, it will leave you speechless.” Taylor Kinzler, Host of NBC 30 CT Live!
“An absolutely beautiful film. It picks up where Helvetica left off. Inge Druckrey’s wonderful teaching is an inspiration.” Luke Geissbuhler, cinematographer of Helvetica “A great story beautifully told.” Ken Carbone
An ET MODERN film, 37 minutes, all for free click above.
Produced by Edward Tufte, Directed and Edited by Andrei Severny
- Sentences off the Grid
- Hogpen Hill Farms LLC: Architectural evergreens and ornamental grasses
- Design of walking maps, indoors and outdoors
- Image data quilts: our new website
- Stonespace and Airspace = Lacy Stone Walls
- Flowing Steel Confections
- Hogpen Hill Farms artworks
- Ironstone artworks, torqued steel
- Megaliths, Continuous and Silent, Stuctures of Unknown Significance
- Rocket Science 3: Airstream Interplanetary Explorer
- Ace and Porta do multimedia
- Philosophical Diamond Signs
- Masks Quartet, 2011
- Feynman Diagrams, Edward Tufte sculptures and exhibits
- Sculpture Forgings
- 12 Reviews, ET Art Exhibits
- Rocket Science #2 (Lunar Lander)
- Magritte’s Smile
- The Drawing Center fax show: ET exhibits
- Abstract alley art
- Designing a museum sculpture garden: land, trees, artworks
- Airspaces
- Dog sculpture (Porta the Portuguese Water Dog)
- Seeing Around: New ET essay published
- Geese taking flight (at 300 frames per second)
- Porta and the Birds (at 300 frames/second)
- Flame Theater
- Tong Bird of Paradise
- ZZ Smile (Zerlina’s Smile)
- Rocket Science
- Buddha with Bird Nest: sculpture
- Sheep visit landscape sculpture
- Skewed Machine
- Table sculptures
- Stainless steel images: anisotropic calligraphy
- Bouquet sculpture series–and Walking, Seeing, Constructing
- Art Theorists Speak Out Cartoonishly
- Hogpen Hill #1: sculpture installed August 2006
- Dear Leader I: landscape sculpture May 2006
- Horizons, vistas, and skylines
- Beautiful Evidence chronicles: writing, designing, publishing, consequences (cameo in first iPhone ad, awards, Richard Serra)
- Bird Series
- Bookprints: 16 new prints
- The Levitating Sculpture (and also sculpture theory and practice)
- Dog cartoons: Whose hermeneutic shall prevail?
- Binterview with ET
- Millstone sculpture series
- Spring Arcs, an ET landscape sculpture
- The Twigs: Landscape artworks made from steel and air
- Babar’s dream (and framing books)
- ET textbook, Data Analysis for Politics and Policy: PDF files now available
- Edge Fluting
- Saturn embedded in Galileo’s text, best work of analytical design ever?
- London Underground maps (+ worldwide subway maps)
- Project Management Graphics (or Gantt Charts)
- Minard’s data sources for Napoleon’s march graphic
- The Life of Charles Joseph Minard (1781-1870)
- Cancer survival rates: tables, slopegraphs, barcharts
- Analytical design and human factors
- Visual notation of bird songs
- Pioneer space plaque and redesign
- The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Not relevant for design
- What color is your salmon, flamingo, leaf, soil, golden retriever, yolk, beer, diesel fuel? Measuring color in the field
- Executive dashboards
- Public performances: music always too loud?
- Moderating internet forums: What’s smart, not what’s new
- Book design: advice and examples
- Design of causal diagrams: Barr art chart, Lombardi diagrams, evolutionary trees, Feynman diagrams, timelines
- Instructions at the point of need
- Sparkline theory and practice Edward Tufte
- Mapped pictures: image annotation
- Corrupt Techniques in Evidence Presentations
- Medical information exchange: The patient, doctor, computer triangle
- Feynman-Tufte principle
- Commencements and honorary degrees
- Bookprints: 16 new prints
- PowerPoint Does Rocket Science–and Better Techniques for Technical Reports
- Metaphors for Presentations: Conway’s Law Meets PowerPoint
- Beautiful Evidence chronicles: writing, designing, publishing, consequences (cameo in first iPhone ad, awards, Richard Serra)
- Airport maps and runway incursions
- Lousy PowerPoint presentations: The fault of PP users?
- Lists: design and construction, by Edward Tufte
- Plagiarism detection in PowerPoint presentations
- Grand truths about human behavior
- Advice for effective analytical reasoning
- Richard Feynman’s “Nature cannot be fooled”
- Dappled light
- Wavefields: intense animated data graphics
- Megan Jaegerman’s brilliant news graphics
- iPhone interface design
- Geese taking flight (at 300 frames per second)
- Scaling and scale models
- Microsoft’s CEO wants ET method of presentation, not PowerPoint
- Slopegraphs for comparing gradients: Slopegraph theory and practice
- Sparkline > Steve Jobs > Andy Warhol in Google results
- Feynman Diagrams, Edward Tufte sculptures and exhibits
- Shadows
- Touchscreens have no hand
- Taking logarithms in statistical data
- Fitting models to data
- Rocket Science 3: Airstream Interplanetary Explorer
- The meaning of “pessimal”
- Predictions and projections: some issues of research design
- Two-variable linear regression
- Fitting simple multivariate models
- Maps moving in time: a standard of excellence for data displays
- Making better inferences from statistical graphics Edward Tufte
- Image data quilts: our new website
- Design of walking maps, indoors and outdoors
- Graphical timetables
- Chartjunk
- Overlapping data graphics to make comparisons
- Table and timetable design and typography
- Goldberg and Design Variations
- Sentences off the Grid
- Practical Advice for Medical Patients