
The Cognitive Art of Feynman Diagrams (eBook)

Edward R. Tufte
20 Pages

Fermilab Art Gallery, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, April 12 – June 26, 2014.

20 page catalog for the Fermilab exhibit.

“ET’s Feynman Diagrams are art, science, authenticity, precision, beauty, insight.” – Chris Quigg, theoretical physicist at Fermilab, author of Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic Interactions.

ET’s stainless steel Feynman Diagrams are installed at the new World Trade Center building, Fermilabs, Hogpen Hill Farms, Cornell University, and in many private collections. ET’s Feynman Diagrams have also been exhibited at Singapore’s Art Science Museum, Cal Tech, and Michigan State University.
