Minard’s data sources for Napoleon’s march graphic

August 9, 2002  |  Edward Tufte
2 Comment(s)
Topics: E.T., Science
  • Edward Tufte says:

    In “New: ET writings, artworks, news,” there are 2 essays on Minard’s data sources for his famous graphic of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812. Minard gives 5 names; these essays identify the authors and publications that Minard relied on.

    These essays are research in progress for my new book, Beautiful Evidence.

    Coming soon: translation of 22-page obituary and memoir of Charles Joseph Minard.

  • Douglas Schmitz says:


    I attended Edward Tufte’s presentation in Minneapolis on August 28. I just wanted to pass on this personal bit of information regarding Napoleon’s march on Moscow.

    My great great grandfather, Nicholas Schmitz, immigrated with his family to the U.S. in 1867. According to our oral family history, his father, Anton Schmitz, was in the German contingent that marched with Napoleon to Moscow. He was one of the lucky survivors, in the story that was passed down through the years, because his company/regiment was one of the few that maintained formation and marching discipline during the retreat.

    I had heard my father relate this story before, but it was not until I saw Minard’s graphic representation that it dawned on me how lucky I am to even be alive!

    This may not be relevant to the discussion thread, but I thought you might think it interesting.

    –Douglas Schmitz


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