New York Times: PowerPoint-Columbia story, September 28, 2003

September 27, 2003  |  Edward Tufte
11 Comment(s)

From the Sunday Week In Review.

Note graphic (the Boeing slide), reached at the story site by clicking on “Graphic: Speaking in PowerPoint” under “MULTIMEDIA”

[link updated March 2005]

Topics: E.T.
  • Edward Tufte says:

    It is particularly helpful to have the remarks of Columbia Accident Investigation Board about PowerPoint widely distributed. The Board makes distinctions among various forms of presentation, suggesting inherent problems with the tool.

    This will all be old news to readers of this board.

    The word “slide” is curiously old-fashioned, a relic of carousel slides. How about “lide,” a word midway between “slide” and “lie”?

  • John Driscoll says:

    Interestingly, the author of the NYT piece, John Schwartz, who has reported previously on the Columbia aftermath, did not refer to Boeing as the author of the slides. Actually, he doesn’t cite anyone specifically as the author, although he does mention NASA in several contexts. In this quote, he uses some funny language: “Before the fatal end of the shuttle Columbia’s mission last January, with the craft still orbiting the earth, NASA engineers used a PowerPoint presentation to describe their investigation into whether a piece of foam that struck the shuttle’s wing during launching had caused serious damage.” Does this have anything to do with the pressure ET said that he felt from Boeing to not say what he has said?

  • Jim Crossett says:

    Slides, Big Business, Federal Government, and “Yes-Men”

    Slides, Big Business, Federal Government, and “Yes-Men”

    There are a couple of interesting stories from Lou Gerstner’s early days after joining IBM in the early 90s. He found IBM’s use of “foils”, IBM’s term for their version of PowerPoint slides, to be a key facilitator to executive obfuscation of the problems within the failing company.

    The following is an excerpt from the September 1999 Washington Monthly feature
    article: “What Lou Gerstner Could Teach Bill Clinton – Lessons for government
    from IBM’s dramatic turnaround
    by Robert Worth.


    …Gerstner’s first task was to change the ingrained attitudes that had prevented
    IBM from seeing the world around it. These are often described as a product
    of the company’s unique place in American business — as one old company saying
    went, “there’s the right way, the wrong way, and the IBM way.” But IBM’s problems
    were really not so different from those of any large bureaucracy. “If you
    leave institutions in place for too long, whether governments or corporations,
    they get focused on maintaining themselves as institutions,” says Jim McGroddy,
    who ran IBM’s research labs from 1989 to 1995. “What they achieve for the
    customer becomes very secondary.” At IBM, as in the federal government, this
    meant that people who made criticisms — however valid — were often ignored
    or even punished. “The operating principle was, don’t make the boss unhappy,”
    says one longtime IBMer. This attitude, she adds, did incalculable damage
    to the company. Legitimate criticism of products and strategy never percolated
    up to the people who needed to hear it…

    …Gerstner witnessed this “good news only” syndrome at one of his early
    meetings, where he heard a presentation from the chip-making division, which
    was widely known to be having problems. The head of the chip division told
    Gerstner that the problem was that there was no mainframe business, so his
    division couldn’t make money making chips for mainframes. Gerstner stopped
    him right there and asked why the mainframe guy had just told him his division
    was doing fine. As it turned out, the mainframe division was in trouble —
    but they couldn’t bear to admit it to the chief.

    “Gerstner made it very clear very quick that you tell the boss the truth,”
    says one IBMer who witnessed the turnaround. How? For one, he spent much of
    his time during the first few months talking to IBMers, consultants, and customers
    about the company and making it very clear that he wanted unvarnished truth.
    “He was the best listener I have ever seen,” says Sam Albert, an IBM analyst
    who worked for the company from 1959 to 1989. Early in his tenure, Gerstner
    sat down with Albert, and as he asked him what he thought about the company,
    he took five pages of handwritten notes — not exactly typical CEO behavior.

    Perhaps Gerstner’s most effective tool for enforcing honesty in the company
    was the way he conducted meetings. In the old IBM, meetings were “like a high
    mass, with supporting documents as thick as your arm,” says Dan Mandresh,
    who was Merrill Lynch’s chief IBM analyst for 20 years. The most famous ritual
    at these meetings were the visual-display “foils” execs used to project charts
    and graphs onto the wall. “We used to describe talks as a ‘six-foil talk’
    or a ‘four-foil talk,'” one veteran recalls. “There were IBMers who literally
    didn’t know how to talk without foils.” Meetings were too large, because people
    were included based on their rank, whether or not they had anything of substance
    to add.

    In the government it’s the same story. For many federal bureaucrats, meetings
    are an end in themselves, a way to create the impression of activity (and
    taxpayer money well spent) where there is none. Being invited to them is a
    reflection of rank and status, so that people attend them regardless of whether
    they have anything to contribute or learn. At the Energy Department, for instance,
    meetings of the Office of Strategic Planning, Budget, and Program Evaluation
    have been attended by dozens of representatives from other offices, whose
    job is often confined to writing notes about the meeting for their own offices
    — regardless of whether it has any relevance to their own work.

    Gerstner recognized that all this pointless ceremony was crippling IBM. One
    of the first things he did was to convene his top 20 executives and tell them
    all to write a short paper, with no visuals, answering these questions: What
    is your business? Who are your customers? What is your marketplace? What are
    your strengths and weaknesses? Who are your main competitors? He told them
    to get it done in two weeks, and that he would meet with each of them one-on-one
    shortly afterward to discuss it.

    That may sound pretty reasonable to an outsider. At IBM, it was revolutionary.
    “People weren’t used to writing in sentences,” recalls Jim McGroddy. When
    he met with Gerstner, “it was just the two of us standing at a table. No projector.”
    The meeting went well; McGroddy convinced the new boss that he was willing
    to help the company change. Others, however, tried to bring out the foils,
    and “Gerstner jumped all over them,” says McGroddy. According to IBM lore,
    Gerstner actually walked up to the projector at one meeting, turned it off,
    and told the exec, “If you can’t explain it to me in your own words, you don’t
    understand it.” Before long the foils were gone. With them went all the old
    rituals that had made meetings such a waste of time. He insisted that meetings
    be as small and as quick as possible. To many company veterans, this felt
    like a slap in the face. But Gerstner made his intention clear: “I am trying
    to avoid the concept of reward being associated with these meetings.”

    So the disease of slides and "yes yes" manager types continues to plague
    all types of organizations. It is the senior leaders’ responsibility to ensure
    that the facts are properly communicated instead (in spite of?) of hype, fonts
    and pretty pictures.

  • John Schwartz says:

    I wrote the story for the Times, and just wanted to make one thing clear, since
    it’s been brought up here: There was no pressure from Boeing to keep their
    name out of the story, and I’ve gotten specific about this in many of the dozens
    of articles I’ve written about the shuttle since February.

  • Gregory C. Mayer says:

    In today’s NY Times, there are three letters responding to the Powerpoint article: two defending Powerpoint, one criticizing it’s use in college lectures. The best part is a graphic of a Powerpoint-like rendition of a letter to the editor (apparently contributed by the Times’ editorial staff), complete with heirarchical bullets. In what is to me an amazing (and ill-informed) irony, one of the defenders of Powerpoint uses Lincoln’s Gettysburg address as his example!

  • Jim Crossett says:

    Untitled Document

    Atlantic Monthly Article

    November 2003

    I just received the latest issue today in the mail. William Langewiesche, the
    Atlantic Monthly author who did such a great job on the "Unbuilding of
    the WTC", has an article on "Columbia’s Last Flight". The second
    column on page 82 talks about Dr. Tufte’s analyis of the PowePoint presentation
    and the CAIB’s views.

    I assume that the online version of the article will be posted in the next
    few days.

    The Atlantic Monthly (requires registration)


    [link updated March 2005]

  • Jim Crossett says:

    Guru Tom Peter and His lastest book

    Tom Peters Latest Guru Book and PowerPoint

    Tom Peters is just now kicking off his book tour for his latest, Re-Imagine!

    In his second chapter he has listed 20 ways to Self-Destruct. (Note: If you
    are not familiar with Peters’ most recent direction, self-destruction is what
    is required to be successful over the long term).

    Number 13: Honor Results…not Great PowerPoint Presentations.

    This point continues to build on what has been this thread’s theme.

  • Jim Crossett says:

    Tufte Post – Execution by Bossidy anbd Charan

    Execution – The Discipline of Getting Things Done

    by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan

    Another recent influential book in the business press is this Wall Street Journal
    bestseller. Here is a brief excerpt from pages 22-23 in the 2002 first edition
    from Random House’s Crown Business Division. The emphasis (bold and italics)
    in the quote below are mine.

    The heart of execution lies in the three core processes: the people process,
    the strategy process, and the operations process. Every [organization] uses
    these processes in one form or the other. But more often than not they stand
    apart from one another like silos. People perform them by rote and as quickly
    as possible, so they can get back to their perceived work. Typically the [organization’s
    top leadership] allot less than half a day each year to review the plans—people,
    strategy, operations. Typically too the reviews are not particularly
    interactive. People sit passively watchinig PowerPoint presentations. They
    don’t ask questions.

    They don’t debate, and as a result they don’t get much useful outcome…This
    is a formula for failure.
    You need robust dialogue to surface the realities…You
    need accountability for results—discussed openly and agreed to by those
    responsible—to get things done…You need follow-through to ensure
    the plans are on track.

    My premise in this thread is that cultures like NASA’s or like IBM’s from the
    early 90s (see my earlier post on this thread), are able to hide difficulties
    and potential friction behind those LIDE bullets. Tom Peter’s idea of re-invention
    (mentioned in another earlier post on this thread) also states that [bad] communication
    and organizational inertia hides behind these kinds of presentations.

    The ubiquitous PowerPoint software has allowed this kind of organizational
    behavior to continue it’s insidious spread so that the "yada yada yada
    LIDES" are allowing presentations to happen WITHOUT corresponding proper
    communication and appropriate action taken.

    But the solution to the problem is not in removing the use of the software,
    it’s the leadership and associated culture that needs to be addressed. The fundamental
    question is, "Can a culture change?" when there is an easy crutch
    like PowerPoint readily available for use in hiding our professional and organizational

  • Jim Crossett says:

    Tufte Response – December 14, 2003

    Here is the latest on the subject. Although it contains no new facts,
    it does show that the topic of interest is still considered newsworthy by the NYT.

    Article: PowerPoint Makes You Dumb – December 14, 2003

    [link updated March 2005]

  • miguel says:

    I also don’t like the word “slides” in reference to PowerPoint. Why not use “projection” as a noun? (As in, “the presentation had many projections, but little content.”) It is more accurate, doesn’t involve creating a word, and connotes both the ability to obfuscate and be clear.

  • David Person says:

    In the February 2nd, 2004 international edition of Newsweek, page 54, there is an interview with Imelda Marcos:

    Q: A documentary about you called “Imelda” competed at Sundance. How do you feel about that?

    A: I met the director, and, [as] it was a documentary, I was all for it. [But] I don’t know what it is all about. All our lives, we were committed to a vision, [an] ideology, theology towards human order. So much so I can put it in PowerPoint.


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