
Sentences off the Grid

May 17, 2016  |  Edward Tufte
1 Comment(s)


Here’s a good method for showing +/- bounds in LaTex:


Source: L. Anderson et al., “The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Data Release 10 and 11 Galaxy Samples,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 000 (2014), p.14. PDF

Here is the conventional way in medicine to show +/- in text.
Numbers have different meanings and importance, but are mixed up in a long sentence.
Note the broad limits:


Source: “TMAO Proves a Potent Predictor of Events in Acute Coronary Syndrome”

Here is a method I tried in my Beautiful Evidence, making the standards smaller so they didn’t get mixed up with the survival rates when read horizontally within a type of cancer.


For my project on redesigning the sentence, I am interested in sentences that break the standard grid and also in sentences that are graphical, two-dimensional. (The standard grid = one-dimensional, justified lines and hyphenation, with arbitrary line breaks indifferent or hostile to content.)

Please contribute good examples to this thread (see end of thread to make contributions) or
send to etsculpture – geee male – dath kom

Thanks, et








Topics: Art, E.T., Science
  • Hans-Peter Stricker says:

    Dear Edward,

    Even on the Talmud page, which is so rich in sentences off the grid, and which you analyzed so splendidly, I did not find what I would call “sentences BETWEEN the lines” and for which I found an example which I love very much. If you find it interesting, too, I will give you a complete reference. Unfortunately I could only take a photograph of low quality, but I am sure I could get a better reproduction. It would be great to get a feedback from you.

    Best regards and thank you for everything,


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