Source of Bell Centennial Font

December 16, 2003  |  Daniel Battaglia
3 Comment(s)

I recently attended your presentation in Palo Alto. The next trick will be to convince my bosses that your ideas make sense. I’m currently working on a table-rich document and would like to integrate Bell Centennial font. Unfortunately, I am obligated to use Word and do not currently have this font. Do you know where I might find it? Thanks for the input.

  • Edward Tufte says:

    On this board elsewhere.

    Gill Sans also works very nicely in tables; see Envisioning Information, pages 104-105.

  • Ben Stewart says:

    Bell Centennial is available for purchase from
    Adobe and

  • Stuart Stock says:

    I would recommend purchasing the OpenType version of the font (called Bell
    Centennial Standard) if you use Windows XP or OS X machines. You can get it from Veer, Linotype, or Adobe

    If you want to save money, you can buy the different weights individually from
    Linotype (cheaper) or Adobe. I recommend the Address, Sub-Caption, and Name &
    Number weights. They are sort of normal, semi-bold, and bold weights.


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