All 5 books, Edward Tufte paperback $180
All 5 clothbound books, autographed by ET $280
Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Envisioning Information
Visual Explanations
Beautiful Evidence
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
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Edward Tufte e-books
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Visual and Statistical Thinking $5
The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint $5
Seeing Around + Feynman Diagrams $5
Data Analysis for Politics and Policy $9
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Seeing with Fresh Eyes:
Meaning, Space, Data, Truth
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Analyzing/Presenting Data/Information
All 5 books + 4-hour ET online video course, keyed to the 5 books.
Sheep visit landscape sculpture

Several months ago 32 sheep visited our sculpture field; here is a video showing sheep interaction with many of the pieces. Encouraging visitors to interact with the art--and even to touch the art works--is a current trend in museum installations. The interactions in this case include rubbing up against the artworks and eating the grass around the pieces.

This video is also available on YouTube and Vimeo

-- Edward Tufte

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