The work of Edward Tufte and Graphics Press

Graphics Press LLC  P.O. Box 430  Cheshire, CT 06410  800 822-2454

Hogpen Hill Farms: ET's Landscape Sculpture Park

Hogpen Hill Farms is a 234-acre tree farm + landscape sculpture park with 100 ET artworks in Litchfield County in northwest Connecticut.

We will be open September 6 through October 27 2024, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Information, Dates, Tickets.

(Please do not come on days when the park is closed. There is no access, the gates are closed.)

"It is wild, whimsical, grand and incredibly beautiful, with sculptures ranging from stainless steel surfaces reflecting every nuance of light, to lacy stone walls and silent boulder megaliths."   Michele McDonald, Boston Globe

"Hogpen Hill Farms is magical, a joy."  Lonely Planet, 2024

"Each of the works transforms the landscape, see these amazing artworks up close."   Atlas Obscura

"North America's best sculpture park: Edward Tufte's Hogpen Hill Farms"   Philip Greenspun

Analyzing/Presenting Data/Information:
An online video course taught by Edward Tufte

The online video course is open for sign-ups.

Topics covered in this one-day online course include:

Fundamental data analysis/design strategies: diagrams, data visualizations, maps, images, text, tables, videos, small multiples, sparklines, medical interfaces, sentences and paragraphs. Future of information displays: 4K, 6K video-maps and stop-action moving in time.

Practical real examples: medicine, business and finance, NASA, medical research, science and engineering, and a 40-page chapter from Seeing with Fresh Eyes on data analysis when the truth matters.

How to make meetings smarter and shorter - teaching, very large meetings, medical appointments, hearings, small groups making decisions. How to improve both the content and credibility of presentations.

Spectatorship: How to be a smart consumer of presentations, assessing their credibility and content.

323,000 people from 1994 to 2020 attended continuously changing live versions of the ET course Presenting Data and Information. But now we have an online course video. This course can be viewed anytime, and students receive all 5 ET books in advance by mail - for study hall and reading during the course. The online video is closely keyed to the books, with short reading throughout the course.

Edward Tufte teaches the entire course.

Each student receives all five ET books on information design:

"One visionary day.... the insights of this class lead to new levels of understanding both for creators and viewers of visual displays." WIRED   "The Leonardo da Vinci of data." THE NEW YORK TIMES   "The Galileo of graphics." BLOOMBERG

"Master statistician weaves Google images into visual quilts." The Verge
"The Information Sage" Washington Monthly Tufte presidential appointment
"Curious misfits: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Edward Tufte, Aaron Swartz" Slate

Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University. He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the "Leonardo da Vinci of data," and Bloomberg as the "Galileo of graphics." He is now completing a book Meaning, Space, Models, Data, Truth, and constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity. He founded Graphics Press, ET Modern Gallery/Studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms.

All 5 books by Edward Tufte also now in paperback editions,
$180 for all 5    catalog + shopping cart
Visual Display of Quantitative Information 200 pages
Envisioning Information 128 pages
Visual Explanations 160 pages
Beautiful Evidence 214 pages
Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning, Space, Data, Truth 176 pages
Same paper and printing as in original clothbound editions.
All 5 clothbound books, autographed by author $280
Available directly from Graphics Press.
ET e-books, immediate download to any computer:
Visual and Statistical Thinking: Evidence-Based Decisions $5
The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint $5
Seeing Around + Cognitive Art of Feynman Diagrams $5
Data Analysis for Politics and Policy (book, 150 pages) $9
Hogpen Hill Farms is ET's 234-acre tree farm + landscape sculpture park in Woodbury, CT with 100 ET artworks. Artists, art writers, reporters can arrange private tour. "North America's best sculpture park: Edward Tufte's Hogpen Hill Farms" Philip Greenspun

Inge Druckrey's new book
Modern Pioneers in Typography and Design:
Anna Simons, Edward Johnston,
Rudolf von Larisch, F. H. Ehmcke

In the early 1900s, good typefaces were scarce, books poorly crafted and tasteless, type design a dead end, formal handwriting disconnected from origins of broad-edged pens and brushes, tools that shaped Roman letterforms for 2000 years.

Then four modern pioneers of design and typography created new modern typefaces, fresh interest in letterforms, beginnings of modernism. This book traces the far-reaching influence of these artists in Europe and the United States. This book provides discoveries and insights to the historical achievements in graphic design and typography.

Click here and add to cart or order by phone, 1-800-822-2454, M-F 9am - 5pm EST

"This book celebrates the work of four great teachers of calligraphy and lettering in the first half of the twentieth century and their influence on generations of students. Their pioneering studies of historical manuscript hands and the tools used to write stimulated a revival of calligraphy, ornamental lettering, and design of printing types and books. The next best thing to having taken a class from Edward Johnston, Anna Simons, Rudolf von Larisch, F. H. Ehmcke would be to read this inspiring book and revel in its beautiful illustrations."   Matthew Carter, CBE, MacArthur Fellow, type designer and 'the most widely read person in the world' considering the amount of text set in his fonts Verdana, Georgia, Tahoma, Bell Centennial, Galliard...

"Inge Druckrey is the only person who could have written this important book. There are many places where I was so caught up in her comments and conclusions that I forgot I was supposed to be commenting! The illustrations are magnificent. This is a major contribution to the lettering arts."  Kris Holmes, calligrapher, type designer, teacher, and President of Bigelow & Holmes, a typeface design studio. With Charles Bigelow, Kris Holmes designed more than 100 digital typefaces - Lucida Grande(for Apple OS X), Wingdings, Monaco, Geneva, TeX User Group...

“An absolutely beautiful film. It picks up where Helvetica left off.
Inge Druckrey's wonderful teaching is an inspiration.”  Luke Geissbuhler,
cinematographer of Helvetica
  “A great story beautifully told.”  Ken Carbone
An ET MODERN film, 37 minutes, all for free click above.
Produced by Edward Tufte, Directed and Edited by Andrei Severny

Art: ET Notebooks

Science: ET Notebooks

Posters, Essays, Graph Paper

Napoleon's March
Napoleon's March
Napoleon's March, Translated
Napoleon's March, Translated
Seeing Around
Seeing Around
Textbooklet: VST
Textbooklet: VST
Graph Paper
Graph Paper

Fine Arts Prints

Airport Signal People
Airport Signal People
Three Dancers
Three Dancers
Musical Score
Musical Score
Japanese Weather Map
Japanese Weather Map
Log Animals
Log Animals
Wine Glasses
Wine Glasses
Java Railroad
Java Railroad
Escaping Flatlands
Escaping Flatlands

Graphics Press LLC  P.O. Box 430  Cheshire, CT 06410  800 822-2454 or 203 272-9187   Fax 203 272-8600

Photograph of ET: Robert Del Tredici

All text and images at this website are copyright © by Edward R. Tufte or by original copyright holders. Material from this website may be reproduced only with the permission of the publisher, Graphics Press LLC.

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