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Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Envisioning Information
Visual Explanations
Beautiful Evidence
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
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Seeing with Fresh Eyes:
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Light painting, a brilliant technique

Absolutely brilliant. And light painting has many obvious extensions and uses.

It might be called "light mapping" (which emphasizes the quantitative measurements depicted by the light stick and recorded by the fixed camera) rather than "light painting" (which suggests painting as in brushes and art).

All done with a still camera on a tripod and a person carrying a light stick with a measurement instrument attached. Video by Timo Arnall, Jorn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen:

See also Timo Arnall and Einar Sneve Martinussen, "Depth of Field Discursive design research through film":

Another Norwegian contribution to analytical design!

-- Edward Tufte

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