
Ace and Porta do multimedia

November 1, 2011  |  Edward Tufte
3 Comment(s)

At ET Modern in Cheslea:

Ace and Porta do Multimedia

Ace and Porta do multimedia 2010-2011
steel, aluminum, prints, 6 minute video, electronic kinetics
width 9.7 feet or 3 meters

Video at right shows Ace sculpture kinetics and sound.

And then Ace, the real dog, visits Chelsea and checks out the artwork involving himself and his sister Porta:

Ace and Porta do Multimedia

Ace and Porta do Multimedia

Ace and Porta do Multimedia

Ace and Porta do Multimedia

Ace and Porta do Multimedia

Ace and Porta do Multimedia

Topics: Art, E.T., Sculpture
  • Marianne Doczi says:

    I love the expressive simplicity of your sculpture. And the purposeful serendipity of the way you give “life to leftovers”.
    And your dogs are gorgeous. Art so simply imitating life!
    kind regards
    Marianne Doczi

  • Joseph Dombroski says:

    Which breed of dog are Ace and Porta?

  • Kristin says:

    I believe based on this that Porta is a Portuguese water dog, though she looks very different from the instances of the breeds that I know. If this isn’t right I’d love to know the breeds; they’re just lovely dogs.


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