Apples and oranges–a graphical comparison
October 17, 2003 | Edward Tufte
3 Comment(s)
A classic by Scott A. Sandford. I carried around the graphic in my wallet for years awaiting the apples/oranges bromide from an opponent.
Topics: E.T.
A classic by Scott A. Sandford. I carried around the graphic in my wallet for years awaiting the apples/oranges bromide from an opponent.
More recently, Kansas and pancake flatness, with a scientific rigor far exceeding our SalmoFan investigation:
No pun intended?
I carried around the graphic in my wallet for years awaiting the apples/oranges
bromide from an opponent. – E.T.
The dried samples were then mixed with potassium bromide and ground in a
small ball-bearing mill for two minutes. – Sandford, from article cited by E.T.
It was my inability to produce the diacritical mark for “cliche” that
produced “bromide”. Another reason to use html?
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