
Bookprints: 16 new prints

July 15, 2005  |  Edward Tufte
1 Comment(s)

I have completed a new series of fine art prints. The signed and numbered prints are based on my books, including Beautiful Evidence.

“Max Diving 1, 2, 3, and 4” are photographs I took several years ago. In much smaller reproductions, the Max Diving series will be the jacket for Beautiful Evidence.

All 16 bookprints.

Topics: Art, E.T., Science
  • John Sands says:

    Dear Prof. Tufte,

    I thought of you immediately today when I noticed one of my favorite political weblogs recently linked to the following page, which offers (per their website) “history-related prints that tell stories about subjects, time periods and events. [Their] purpose is to inform and entertain you with prints that are content rich, highly illustrative and elegantly designed.”


    John Sands


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