
Intolerance of free speech at colleges

November 12, 2006  |  Edward Tufte
1 Comment(s)

Discussion by Wendy Kaminer here

Free speech is far more restricted in corporations and in government agencies but at least colleges and universities should get it right.

Topics: E.T.
  • Andrew Nicholls says:

    Unfortunately universities and colleges are becoming more like corporations. That is, they have a public reputation (and hence future cash flows) to defend. This is why ‘inappropriate’ comments and views by academics are increasingly becoming less tolerated, as the brand may become damaged. Take for example the reaction to Lawrence Summer’s (then president of Harvard) 2005 comments on women in science.

    In Australia at present we are having the ‘history wars’ where a number of (often ex) academics are questioning the version of history, known as ‘black armband history,’ which has become the predominant view taught in Australian universities. They are increasingly publishing their works in the mainstream press, as they no longer can be heard within the university system or published in peer review journals.


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