Sidenotes or footnotes or what?

September 9, 2003  |  John Schedler
20 Comment(s)

Does anyone know how to make MS Word create sidenotes? I & my L.A.
are quite stumped by this.

Topics: 3-Star Threads
  • Steve Sprague says:

    There’s an Ask E.T. thread on this at: .

    Good Luck.

  • Edward Tufte says:

    If a million monkeys type for a million years at a million
    keyboards. . . .

    This is what page layout programs–Adobe InDesign and Quark
    XPress– are for.

    Or perhaps there are some mid-level page layout programs–InDesign Lite or QuarkXPress Lite?

  • Edward Tufte says:

    On this issue more generally, take a look at the layout of
    Richard Feynman, Robert Leighton, and Matthew Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics.

    One page of that book is reproduced (rather small) in “The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint.” Here it is somewhat larger:

    The problem fundamentally arises from the 8.5 inch page width. That is too wide for a single column of type; thus 2 columns of text are often used in books with an 8.5 inch page width. In general, a line of text should not be more than 2 or 3 alphabets long, unless there is spacious leading. (An unsatisfactory solution is to make the type real big to fill the horizontal width.)

    So what should be done with that extra space on the right of the page when a single column of text is used? The design of my books and of Feynman’s book puts small images, image credit lines, numbered notes, and references out in a narrow righthand column. For my books, the righthand margin column also often serves to help present big images that run the width of the entire page. The design of Feynman’s pages are probably a better model than my books, which are so intense, idiosyncratic, and personal–and are therefore not a good workaday model for document design. Long ago I once proposed to a client that computer manuals (with 8.5 by 11 inch paper imprisoned in 3-ring binders) follow the design of Feynman’s physics textbook and stop wasting all that paper in the margin.

    Of course, the big-column/little-column format should not be done mechanically; there needs to be worthwhile material that naturally belongs in the margin. If the marginal materials are simply references, then the standard footnotes (at the bottom of each page, not ganged together at the end of the document) are fine. Maybe the empty space in the margin can be left for marginal notes written by the readers, if any.

    Many, although not all, of the legal documents I have seen (at The Smoking Gun, for example) have too few words per page with over-generous leading and even double-spaced lines. Given frequent repetition and boilerplate, legal documents sometimes appear bulked up and puffy, all that paper for not that much substance per page. This leads to the appearance that productivity is being measured by the page. The chief of a large group producing computer manuals once told me that they “produced 46,000 pages of manuals” that year. “What a shame,” I replied, thinking that one-third that many would probably be better for the readers although much harder to write.

  • Steve Sprague says:

    ” … Aren’t there middle-level page layout programs? QuarkXPress Lite? InDesign Lite? … ”

    Take a look at Adobe’s Pagemaker, which you might call InDesign Lite. It’s marketed as a business document (brochure, newsletter, flyer) application but it has some serious layout and professional publishing features and handles type really well. All for a base price a couple of hundred less than InDesign, about $500.

  • Neal Goldfarb says:

    On the issue of double-spacing in legal documents: A big part of the problem is that double-spacing is often required by court rules. To make matters worse, most of the federal courts of appeals require that if you use a proportionately-spaced font, you have to set it at 14 points. Talk about too few words on the page.

  • Martin Wattenberg says:

    Double-spaced lines give the reader room for word-by-word notes (much more so than wide margins). Some scientific journals require submissions to be double spaced for exactly that reason. Maybe the rules are designed to let people add plenty of their own comments to documents?

  • Ann Stone says:

    Max DePree’s wonderful book Leadership Is An Art is double-spaced, specifically, as he says in his preface
    “In some sense, every reader “finishes” every book according to his or her experiences and needs and beliefs and potential. That is the way you can really own a book. Buying books is easy; owning them is not. There is space for you to finish and own this book…Intent and involved readers often write in the margins and between the lines. (You may end up doing a lot of writing and reading between the lines in this book!) Good readers take possession of what they are learning by underlining and commenting and questioning. In this manner they “finish” what they read.”
    It is an interesting and compelling reason for leaving room in books for the owners to use.

  • John Walker says:

    While I agree that making notes in a book is one way to `own’ a book ( I think `finishing’ a book for the author is a little presumptuous), I think that double spacing is a poor way of allowing the reader to make notes. Double line spacing is useful for copyeditors that need to correct grammar or typography but it is not useful for much else because it interferes with the readability of the text. Any typographer will tell you that correct linespacing improves the readability of text and aids reading of extended text. Notes between the lines of text interrupt the authors narrative and distract the reader from what the has to say. Decent margins are more useful for notes and allow comparison between the author’s and reader’s messages. It’s best to leave doublespacing where it belongs, in typewritten manuscripts submitted to publishers.

    As to the main topic, How to make Word make sidenotes, I would agree with others that Word is the wrong tool for the job. A page layout package will do what you want with a minimum of fuss — try InDesign or Quark or LaTeX (Convert your existing files in Word with Word2TeX)

  • Steve Sprague says:

    These are not new issues. Here’s how they handled sidenotes in the 13th century, from a commentary on Euclid produced in Paris ca. 1266 now at Oxford’s Corpus Christi College.

    And here’s a bit of superb page layout and typography in a text book, from a 13th century volume of Aristotelan texts produced in Paris ca. 1260 now in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. The caption for this image reads “The manuscript was made with wide margins for glossing in the classroom.”

    Sure wish I could read Latin. Both found in Christopher De Hamel’s “A History of Illuminated Manuscripts”, Phaidon 1986, 1994.

  • John Nugent says:

    Layout of David Foster Wallace fiction in Atlantic Monthly

    I haven’t found any posts on this site about the layout of David Foster Wallace’s short story in the April 2005 Atlantic Monthly. Wallace likes to use a lot of footnotes in his fiction, and this story uses an interesting layout scheme of color-coded sidenotes rather than footnotes. On the regular website, you can’t see the effect as clearly because the notes appear as pop-ups (, but you can download a .pdf of the story if you are a subsciber.

    I’m interested in hearing what you think.

  • Tchad says:

    Perhaps it is my conservative tastes, but I find the

    technicolor tags get in the way of the text.

  • Kent Karnofski says:

    I know this is a silly-sounding question, but how do you read footnotes, sidenotes, chapter notes at the end of a book?

    I find that pausing my reading of the main text to persue the notes interrupts my reading rhythm. If I wait until I’ve finished a section or chapter, then go back to read the notes, I find that I’ve lost context and am not sure what I’m reading. So the question seems valid: How do you read sidenotes? Or: How do you productively read sidenotes?


  • Alex Merz says:

    Put simply, this is an acquired skill. The labor-intensive answer is to practice: read a lot of
    texts that have footnotes or endnotes. If you do a lot of this, it will become clear to what
    extent you need to dive into the notes. This will vary between books (some texts rely on
    notes far more than others; some notes are rich, others dry) and it will depend on what
    you’re trying to accomplish in your reading.

    It took me a perhaps a year to be able to read through the citations, references, and
    footnotes in scientific papers when I first started reading the literature as an
    undergraduate. Now I read this format and it is transparent, just as a ledger is transparent
    to an accountant, an aircraft’s instrument cluster is transparent to a pilot, or the Daily
    Racing Form is to a horse racing devotee.

    One thing worth noting: notes can be used to illuminate the text, or to bury things that the
    author would prefer not to deal with. Examination of notes can tell you a great deal about
    the author’s agenda and approach.

  • Jack Johnson says:

    I find that the context switch of moving between the text and the side or footnotes is
    easy if you expect to only read the notes you’ll find interesting.

    Much like reading modern hypertext, you follow the information that kindles some
    in you and skim or ignore the rest. A reference to a book with the originating material
    may not get a glance unless you recognize you have that volume on your shelf or make a
    mental note to pick up a copy, but something like a commentary on an inside joke may
    momentarily distract you from the flow.

    I think the most important reason to consider when creating sidenotes is whether or
    it’s needed in the first place. Running commentary on another’s work would seem to be
    the most oft-needed use, but in most cases for textual sidenotes, if the
    writer says what he or she means, does it need further explanation? As literature and as
    art, there lies the possibility that it’s a stylistic choice.

    As I read Steinbeck’s The
    Log from the Sea of Cortez
    , a book where it would be very natural to throw in
    sketches of coves or lagoons or unique specimen, I’m fascinated that its only graphic
    addition is a map of
    the region—and that may be the fault of the publisher. Footnotes are used (I
    believe) exclusively to translate common names to the
    taxonomic, and as a reader I find myself not missing glossy images of the various
    creatures taken that would be so prevalent in any modern text.

    In any text I would judge its sidenotes based on whether they enrich the body or
    detract from it. If they detract from the text, it’s not worth the context switch and the flow
    is unduly
    interrupted. If they enrich the text, the sidenotes should act as part of the flow, like a
    lesser channel in an estuary that still ultimately leads to the sea.

  • EdwardTufte says:

    In scholarly work, the main purpose of footnotes or sidenotes is to acknowledge and credit
    sources, and to refer to other relevant work. This is a moral obligation in scholarship.

    But footnotes
    should not be overdone or pretentious, as is often the case in PhD dissertations. Also
    don’t build in little all-too-knowing commentaries into the references, a graduate student
    disease, as in “the
    seminal article by G. P. K. Sitzplotz, [reference].”
    Sometimes acknowledgments can be put into the text, although vague insider eponymic
    references (a “Downsian model,” a “Derridaist reading”) that as Gore Vidal once said
    “cause the reader’s brow to furrow,” should be avoided. (Note the runnng reference to
    Vidal in the text here.)

    In general,
    using sidenotes or footnotes to conduct a continuous running commentary underneath the
    main text
    is probably not a good idea. If the material is important enough to discuss, then it may
    well belong in the main text.

    That is the general theory. Personal style is another and
    more complicated matter, and what follows is my peculiar view, which probably has little
    relevance to other writers.

    Quite often I use
    sidenotes as detailed annotation or as a
    sidebar extension or a reinforcing detail to support the main text and, when doing so, try to include small
    images along with words–especially where such material would break up the main text if
    included there (better to interrupt the flow with a sidenote). I
    believe that such material
    should be almost entirely content-driven, rather design-driven–although at times, when I
    see a big empty sidenote column, I see a tempting opportunity to fill the space.

    Behind each published example in my books, there are often 5 or 10 similar
    examples in the files, and illustrated sidenotes offer an opportunity to show some of those
    examples. Over the years, I’ve deliberately sought to intensify the pages of my books
    (compared to the first book, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, which
    has rather spacious and open pages). This is, in part, because of the increasing emphasis
    on high-resolution displays of information (beginning with the second book,
    Envisioning Information), something I seek to exemplify in the page
    layouts. Also Envisioning is a very intense book with very intense writing and
    illustrations where I worked from a theory of
    “bright white writing” (no redundancy, no first person, every word and every illustration
    counts). In the last year of writing a book,
    there is usually a big clean up and cutting, as entire spreads, examples, and sidenotes are
    deleted. Near the end of Beautiful Evidence, I deliberately brought in
    examples on open nearly sidenote-free spacious pages (the Verrocchio horse, the
    Cezanne painting, the Galileo
    annotated drawing) in order to relax the scale of the book, vary the texture of the pages,
    and create a better architectural
    rhythm of page densities. Of course these were also powerful examples, so the choices
    also driven by content considerations as well as by thoughts about the overall architecture
    of the

    I also seek to optimize each
    double-page layout,
    sacrificing global consistency (or a
    global theory about sidenote use) across all the layouts; this is sometimes called “breaking
    the grid.”

    Of course, when it takes many years to write a book, things also tend to
    accumulate on the pages.

  • Ken Blackwell says:

    I’ve looked in vain in several typesetting programmes for the ability to set “live” footnotes in 2 columns below single-column text, multiple “live” footnotes on a single line, or “live” sidenotes. Perhaps those who have explored sidenotes know of such programmes?

    The desire for the first-mentioned layout has been smoldering for some time, and was reignited today in looking at a colleague’s 18th-century volume of poetry with the copious short notes set in 2 columns.

  • Father Peter Mussett says:

    If you are looking for an in-depth discussion about the use of sidenotes and how to make them beautiful Robert Bringhurst wrote about them in his book Elements of Typographic Style. In the second edition look on pages 68,161,176.

  • victor yodaiken says:

    I’m amazed that nobody has referenced the most successful scholarly use of sidenotes – the Talmud. See this explanation and you may also be interested in my “talmudic-style” test on the CS literature here.

  • Eric Howell says:

    Sidenotes are best when the reader can tell, out of the corner of her eye, whether they are worth examining. One of the many wonderful things about Tufte’s books is, citation sidenotes are short and it is clear by the typeface and format that they are citations–“look at me if you want more information”. If you don’t need to know, say, in which issue of USA Today some horrendous graphic appeared, just keep reading.

    On the other hand, graphical sidenotes in Tufte’s books demand attention, and in most cases Tufte refers to them in the main text itself, adjacent to the graphic.

    Sidenotes are much better than footnotes because you never know what the footnote holds. The bottom of the page is not in the corner of your eye, so you have to leave the main text, jump to the bottom of the page, look at the footnote text (invariably in a different font, requiring more visual re-adjusting) read a few lines, get annoyed by the pedantics, then, flustered, fumble back to the main text to re-establish your place. Footnotes are one step better than endnotes, but only one step.

  • Ted Kostek says:

    I’m curious about Dr. Tufte’s choice of sidenotes always on the right-hand side of the page.

    I recently have been having non-PP meetings with hand-out styled after the books. I have found a 2-page spread effective, with side-notes on the “outside” margin. The left hand page has the notes on the left hand edge, and right hand page has the notes in the right hand margin. This choice seems natural for a 2 page spread, but it’s not the one that Dr. Tufte made.

    BTW, my non-PP meetings have gone well so far.


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