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"Atlas of Oregon 2ND Edition" by William Loy

I recently discovered the book "Atlas of Oregon 2ND Edition" by William Loy.

You can see it here.

In my opinion, this is one of the finest examples of information design that I have ever seen in print. Page after page continued to delight me. I am wondering what others, Edward Tufte, in particular, think of it.

-- Tom Patterson (email)

A fabulous atlas is the 3 vol. Historical Atlas of Canada, edited by Geoffrey J. Matthews and R. Cole Harris.

-- Martin Gamache (email)

I'll take a look at it. How could the publisher, the University of Toronto Press, let these 3 volumes go out of print?!

-- Edward Tufte

The CD version of the Atlas of Oregon 2nd edition is also superb. It was published in a limited run and has not been (I'm told by one of the authors that it will not be)reissued. If you can get a copy, grab it. The electronic Atlas is not just digital images of the Atlas maps and text. It was completely redesigned for digital presentation and viewing on a computer screen. The table of contents makes the digital chapters elegantly accessible. Many maps were redesigned to enable readers to explore them with digital tools. It is particularly good at showing change over time.

That should be another string for discussion here -- how can we develop new, more effective ways to show geographical change over time?

-- Anne Knowles (email)

I had the opportunity to work with Sue Trivit Clark as the assistant direction of the U of O map library for one year while Peter Stark, the director of the U of O Map Library, worked on an advanced degree in History. During that time I became very familiar with the people involved in the creation of this atlas. Their skill at producing top quality images never disappointed me. Stuart Allan's series on the various states of the union was incredible. Professor Loy's approach to the construction of this atlas was state of the art. I was thrilled to receive my copy of the new atlas and every page has the imprint of all their combined skills, of which I can see is considerable. I'm giving this masterful publication two thumbs up.


-- Wayne R. Tucker (email)

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