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Beautiful Evidence
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
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Relation of Escaping Flatland sculpture to the work of David Smith, American Sculptor

The Escaping Flatland sculpture, currently on exhibit in Los Angeles, seems to have similarities to the outdoor sculpture of David Smith (1906 - 1965, artcyclopedia and the Smithsonian)

Specifically, with regard to the 1961 - 1965 body of work (28 pieces) created from square and rectangular hollow blocks ("cubi") of stainless steel by David Smith. The artist intended the shapes and materials to contrast and interact with outdoor landscape.

Was David Smith's work an inspiration for "Escaping Flatland" or is this just a happy coincidence.

Smiles... Theresa-Marie

Theresa-Marie Rhyne
Multimedia/Visualization Specialist
Learning Technology Services
NC State University
Campus Box 7113
Venture III, Suite 267
Centennial Campus
900 Main Campus Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27695
Phone: 919-513-4623
Fax: 919-513-4237

At NCSU's Engineering Online offices:
Wednesday morning


-- Theresa-Marie Rhyne (email)

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