All 5 books, Edward Tufte paperback $180
All 5 clothbound books, autographed by ET $280
Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Envisioning Information
Visual Explanations
Beautiful Evidence
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
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Edward Tufte e-books
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Visual and Statistical Thinking $5
The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint $5
Seeing Around + Feynman Diagrams $5
Data Analysis for Politics and Policy $9
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New ET Book
Seeing with Fresh Eyes:
Meaning, Space, Data, Truth
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Analyzing/Presenting Data/Information
All 5 books + 4-hour ET online video course, keyed to the 5 books.
Residing in spaceland: Johnny Chung Lee's imaginative work

See especially his Wii project on head tracking and the $14 Steadycam.

-- Edward Tufte


The first time "Wiimote" hacking popped onto my radar was for map/globe navigation, published over on Coding4Fun:

From Mr. Lee's demo, you can see where that "spread-out" technique with the fingers moving apart can be used to zoom in and out of a map, but also to zoom in and out of pictures, like Jeff Hahn shows in his TED presentation of his multi-touch display:

I think the great thing about Mr. Lee's innovation here is that he's demonstrated extremely cost-effective motion tracking.

-- Kevin Curry (email)

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